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Fashion Contests

Basic Information:

Fashion Contests is a fashion competition where you submit your outfits (depending on the theme) and a winner will be chosen either by the judges, or from a community vote.


After you submit your outfits, your submission will go through a validation process (validation process may vary depending on the rules). 


Transformice Fashion will provide an announcement, followed by a countdown to when the contest starts, so keep your eye out! If you do not follow the Transformice Fashion Contest rules, your submission will automatically be rejected.


If you would like to make an outfit, click here

Basic Rules:

1. Spamming your submissions will automatically disqualify you.

2. Submissions must fit the theme.

3. Swaying the judges choices for your own personal gain will automatically disqualify you.

4. Outfits must be sent with an imgur link/ Fewfre link

5. Outfits must come with a short description

6. More Coming Soon

Theme Rules (Natural Disaster):

1. You must mention the natural disaster you have chosen in your submission 

2. Acceptable natural disasters are: earthquake, tornado, hurricane, volcanic eruption, blizzard, etc.

3. Regular weather (rain, snow, etc.), man made disasters (nuclear bombs, war, etc.), and fictional disasters (sharknado, alien invasion, etc.) do not match the theme.

4. If your outfit does not match the theme, it will automatically be rejected.


Current Fashion Contest Prizes:

1. First Place: Permanently Featured on Winner Gallery + 100 fraises
2. Second Place: Temporarily Featured on Forum Top 10 + 75cc
3. Third Place: Temporarily Featured on Forum Top 10 + 25cc

4. First - Tenth Place: Temporarily Featured on Forum Top 10

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